Genotropin pfizer 12Mg (Goquick pen) kopen
12mg/36iu pen
Genotropin Pfizer is a recombinant human growth hormone (also called somatropin). It has the same structure as natural human growth hormone, which is necessary for bone and muscle growth. It also plays a role in the balanced development of fat and muscle tissue. Recombinant means that it is not made from human or animal tissue. Somatropin, the active ingredient in Genotropin, is a substance that is similar to human growth hormone. Somatropin is obtained from a certain type of bacteria whose genetic material has been artificially modified. Growth hormone is a hormone that is normally secreted by the pituitary gland, a small organ in the brain. Growth hormone stimulates growth in children with stunted growth. In both adults with growth hormone deficiency and in children, Genotropin reduces fat mass and increases muscle mass.
growth retardation due to insufficient production of the body’s own growth hormone.
– growth retardation in Turner syndrome. This chromosomal disorder, which only affects girls, can cause growth retardation. If you/your child has this condition, you will have heard this from your doctor.
– Growth retardation due to chronic kidney disease. If the kidneys do not function normally, growth can be slowed down.
– Prader-Willi syndrome, a chromosomal disorder. Children with this syndrome who are still growing will eventually grow taller due to the use of growth hormone. Body proportions are also improved. Excess fat decreases and muscle mass, which is often reduced, increases.
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