Aromasin (Exemestaan) 25mg kopen
Aromasin use
They are used in the treatment of certain forms of cancer when treatment with nolvadex has failed. Where Nolvadex blocks the estrogen receptors, these aromatase inhibitors work one step earlier, they prevent estrogen from being formed. The aromatase enzyme converts certain hormones (Testosterone, Dianabol, Nandrolone) into estrogen. When the dose of these hormones is high, a lot of estrogen is produced, which on the one hand causes a greater increase in mass and on the other hand can cause unpleasant side effects such as gynecomastia.
Aromatase inhibitors
Arimidex, Femara and Aromasin bind to the aromatase enzyme, preventing it from converting to estrogen. Femara is the strongest aromatase inhibitor of the three, eliminating 99% of the aromatase present, for arimidex it is 97% and aromasin 95%.
Testosterone Production Stimulation
All three aromatase inhibitors claim to boost testosterone production and aromasin also increases IGF-1 by 30%. A downside to these products is that they are bad for blood cholesterol levels, due to over-suppression of estrogen production.
Femara can completely eliminate existing gynecomastia, in addition to an experience with the product, this is supported by scientific research. For this, 2.5 mg of femara was taken per day and slowly reduced. In combination with testosterone, Proviron is still the best choice because of the synergy that these two products have with each other. The aromatase inhibitors are normally used throughout the entire cycle to suppress the formation of estrogen. This may be necessary in cycles with steroids that can aromatize: Testosterone, Dianabol, Nandrolone or Boldenone.
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